natural rights

VIDEO: Current Legal Issues Shaping Conservatism with Garrett Snedeker

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Anchoring Truths co-founder Garrett Snedeker joined hosts Tom Sarrouf (former JWI Intern) and Marlo Slayback for an episode of Conservative Conversations, a production of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI). Snedeker dives deep into the pressing legal and political issues shaping the conservative movement today following the conclusion of the Supreme Court’s OT 2023 term, including discussions of Trump v. U.S., Loper Bright/Relentless, and the Court’s standing doctrine among other subjects.

Minisode 7: Live from James Wilson Fellowship

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For Minisode 7, host Garrett Snedeker along with JWI Program Manager Daniel Osborne offer a live update from the 2024 Summer James Wilson Fellowship for Young Lawyers. Snedeker and Osborne discuss JWI’s flagship program, the lessons on law and morality taught at the Fellowship, the broader experience for young lawyers, and how the Fellowship has

2023: A Year in Ideas

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In this special “minisode,” JWI Deputy Director Garrett Snedeker and Programs Director Daniel Osborne sit down to talk a bit about the ideas and debates that came to characterize 2023. They discuss Mere Natural Law, Originalism, Historicism, and Courage.

Free Speech Sense and Sensibility

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It is precious to see so many college administrators, deans, and presidents now honing “principled,” absolutist commitments to freedom of speech on their campuses. When campuses were hosting Dennis Prager, Charles Murray, Charlie Kirk, or Riley Gaines, or even federal appellate court judges, the messages that used to ban or chase them off campus were “hate

The Pitfalls of the Parents’ Rights Argument

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“The pitfall of the argument in favor of parents’ rights is that it makes the decision for children to be exposed to information about sexual activity or access to puberty blockers a matter of a parent’s will,” writes Sarrouf.

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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