natural law

“Constititional Issues Post-Dobbs” JWI at Nat Con 3

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The James Wilson Institute was one of the co-sponsors of the National Conservatism Conference in Miami, Florida from September 11-13 2022. We were grateful to be invited by the Edmund Burke Foundation, the conference organizer, to convene a panel titled “Constitutional Issues Post-Dobbs.” This panel provided unique insights into the state and direction of legal

“Constitutional Issues Post-Dobbs” JWI at Nat Con 3

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The James Wilson Institute co-sponsored the National Conservatism Conference in Miami, Florida from September 11-13. We, along with the conference organizers, the Edmund Burke Foundation, convened a panel titled “Constitutional Issues Post-Dobbs.” This panel provided unique insights into the state and direction of legal conservatism. You can watch each of our panelists’ remarks below. JWI

Common Good Originalism After Dobbs

Panorama of United States Supreme Court Building at Dusk

The following is a transcript of remarks originally given in Miami at the National Conservatism Conference JWI helped to organize in September 2022. In 2020, Harvard Law School professor Adrian Vermeule first outlined his proposal for a jurisprudence of “common good constitutionalism” in an essay in The Atlantic. I initially responded with a friendly essay at the Claremont Institute’s American Mind site that

“Building on the Right” with Mike Sabo, Editor of the RealClear Civics Portal

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In this episode, Anchoring Truths continues its “Building on the Right” series with Mike Sabo, editor for RealClear American Civics. Garrett Snedeker sits down with Mike to discuss RealClear Public Affairs a “new series of sponsored curation” designed to “provide coverage of important and trending public policy issues.” The series provides its audience with a

The God of the Declaration

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The American Founders and Lincoln believed in a Natural Law and a natural lawgiver at the moral core of the project they brought forth, argues JWI Affiliated Scholar Justin Dyer

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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