natural law

James Wilson and “We the People”

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Prof. John Mikhail describes the unique role of James Wilson among the Founders as both moral philosopher and legal scholar who shaped our Constitution and our concept of who “We the People” are in the United States.

Unlocking Constitutional Meaning: James Wilson as the Key

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Profs. John Mikhail and Jonathan Gienapp join Garrett Snedeker and Hadley Arkes to discuss the life and work of James Wilson, one of the American Founders. They point out how Wilson’s ideas and jurisprudence shaped the discussion at the Founding and how understanding them can help us understand our Constitution today.

Born-Alive Act Redux!

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Prof. Arkes reflects on his work crafting the Born Alive Act and takes some time to analyze the latest version of the Act, to him the best ever.

Positivism Only?: Privileges or Immunities in The Original Meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment


Professors Randy Barnett and Evan Bernick deliver an exhaustive originalist appraisal of the text, structure, and historical treatment of the Fourteenth Amendment in their co-authored 2021 book The Original Meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. This title reflects the authors’ support of the modern, mainstream originalist project which seeks the original public meaning of enacted and

The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics

The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics 1

JWI, with our co-sponsors, the Center for Religion Culture and Democracy at First Liberty Institute, and the Civitas Institute, present this webinar. The webinar featured Justin Dyer and Kody Cooper discussing their upcoming book on the natural law influences of the American Founding. We were also joined by Jordan Ballor, in addition to a surprise

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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