natural law
Should the Declaration Inform the Constitution?: Hadley Arkes and Lee Strang Debate Transcript
How are Natural Rights Related to Just Laws?

The Federalist Society released their latest installment in a series of videos featuring JWI Founder and Director, Professor Hadley Arkes, discussing the natural law foundations of our Constitution and jurisprudence. In this latest short clip, Professor Arkes explains how all laws in some way restrict life, liberty, or property. Therefore, our central question must be, …
PODCAST: Jesse Merriam and Josh Hammer on “An Even Better Originalism?”

Patrick Henry College Associate Professor Jesse Merriam and JWI affiliated scholar Josh Hammer joined JWI Deputy Director Garrett Snedeker to discuss Professor Merriam’s article, “A Better Legal Conservatism,” published in The American Mind. Prof. Merriam’s article was in response to “A Better Originalism,” co-authored by Prof. Hadley Arkes, Garrett Snedeker, Josh Hammer, and Matthew Peterson. …
The Imperative of a Boring Judiciary
What is the Basis of “Natural Rights?”

In this video from the Federalist Society’s No. 86 Series, JWI Founder and Director Prof. Hadley Arkes summarizes Aristotle’s study of human nature. Human beings are naturally social and political animals. The American Founders logically concluded from these premises that natural law means all men are created equal and that government properly exists only by …