Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

Selective History in the Dobbs Dissent

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JWI Affiliated Scholar Justin Dyer criticizes Justice Sotomayor’s dissenting opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. However, he also appreciates that the dissent does not exclusively rely on historicism.

“What Comes After Roe” – Gerard V. Bradley

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Today, the Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that “the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey must be overruled.” Almost fifty years after handing down its calamitous abortion decision on January 22, 1973, SCOTUS has finally corrected the biggest mistake it ever made.

The Consummate Statecraft of Samuel Alito

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I have to confess that when the news broke last night and I read that careful, exhaustive, impressive opinion from Justice Alito, my eye moved to those key points for which I was looking, and there I fell into a mild despair. For the Justice preserved, as one of the defining strands of his opinion,

Once More Unto the Breach: Arkes v. Whelan on the Overruling of Roe

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In a response to Ed Whelan’s critique of “On Overturning Roe,” Prof. Arkes insists that the moral argument against Roe is the only logical one for judges who believe in the deep wrong of abortion. The pro-life cause rests on objective moral truths, not on value judgments, and as a result does not require judges (as Whelan claims) “to read their own moral convictions into the Constitution.”

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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