
Interested in writing for Anchoring Truths?

Through our publications, we seek to recover, and to present again, those anchoring truths that provided the Founders with a moral grounding in the law. The essays, podcasts, and videos under the banner of Anchoring Truths are thanks to the lawyers and professors, young and old, who have joined us in this project.

While most of our pieces are commissioned, we are at the happy point of expansion and would like to invite spirited thinkers to use this forum to offer their own arguments; to make the case—and test again—the wisdom of Natural Law American jurisprudence.

A few points:

1) If you wish to write under a pseudonym, we are happy to accommodate this choice. Many of you occupy important positions in the private and public sector and we are sensitive to some of the exigencies you face.

2) We accept pieces as short as 750 words and as long as 4000 words, which we may break up into multi-part features.

3) If we choose to run your submission, you can expect to hear from us in 5 business days.

Use the form below to submit a proposal. Please include a brief abstract.

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Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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