A More Luminous Beacon with Prof. Will Kamin

As part of our ongoing webinar series between the James Wilson Institute and the Center on Religion, Culture, and Democracy, Professor William Kamin discusses the debates over Federal post-conviction Habeas Corpus. Whether one looks towards the Judicial Right or the Judicial Left, there are serious issues plaguing both perspectives on this topic. Professor Kamin offers

IVF & Future of Federal Policy with Steve Aden


Blink and you may have missed it. President Trump signed into law another Executive Order, this one touching on a significant concern for pro-life Americans: in-vitro fertilization. The president’s latest EO reinserts us back into a debate over what legal protection should be afforded to embryos and the attendant public policy ramifications. But this debate

Natural Law and Labor Law with Alex MacDonald

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Alex MacDonald⁠, a DC-based labor lawyer, touches on the historical roots of the right to work, the right’s connection with natural-law principles, and its return to modern jurisprudence. Informed by JWI Co-Director Hadley Arkes’s Mere Natural Law, Alex examines how that return could transform modern labor law, especially the concept of exclusive representation. This episode,

Anchoring Truths
Anchoring Truths is a James Wilson Institute project
The James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights.
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