Minisode 4: Arkes Abroad! Scenes from Budapest

Minisode 4 features JWI Founder and Co-Director Hadley Arkes, who shares scenes from his recent trip to Budapest, Hungary where he keynoted a conference on the rule of law. With host Garrett Snedeker, they discuss how the Hungarian government is offering an alternative to the reigning orthodoxies and policy prescriptions of the European Union. He also details some colorful personalities with whom he enjoyed the conference hosted by the Danube Institute.

Fellow panelists (L-R), Profs. Steve Hayward, John Yoo, and Hadley Arkes. Photo courtesy of Steve Hayward.

Video recordings of Prof. Arkes’s remarks at the conference on the rule of law may be found here.

Prof. Arkes’s appearance on the Powerline podcast hosted by Steve Hayward and John Yoo recorded from Budapest may be found here.

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